Thank you for your interest in my knives and tomahawks. The majority of the knives I make are hand forged from high carbon steels and damascus. My preference in steels are 1084, 1095, 52100, W-2, O-1 and 5160. My damascus is made with 1095 or 1084, 15N20, and 203-E. Most of the forged pieces are one of a kind. I may repeat a pattern, but it is never constructed exactly like another knife. My handle materials tend to be of natural origin such as stag, horn, exotic woods or legal ivories. Modern materials such as micarta and G-10 are also used. My tomahawks are made by traditionally forging mild steel around a tool steel cutting edge or drifting an eye through a piece of high carbon steel. I also offer a series of stock removal knives in repeatable patterns in the above mentioned steels. Stainless steels are available by request. I welcome and encourage customers to submit their own designs and specifications. I will be glad to quote a price and delivery date and discuss any details at your request. If you can send a sketch and description, that would be most helpful. I hand craft my sheaths from either leather or wood.
My knives carry a lifetime guarantee, but they also carry the obligation of proper maintenance. A knife is a specific tool. If used properly, it will serve you for a lifetime of normal use. If of course, you are dissatisfied with the function of any of my knives, simply return it with an explanation and I will refund your money or make you another, providing the knife has not been abused.
I have always loved knives. Growing up, my brother was the gun nut and I was the knife nut. Saturday mornings brought all the old Tarzan movies to our tv screen and we would watch as he dispatched lions, rhinos, and 20 foot long crocodiles with just his knife! So I figured that’s all I need. My dad owned a dry cleaners and sometimes knives would get missed when pockets were searched which would get put into a box and kept. If no one asked for them they were mine. Most were cheap, but from time to time a Case, Boker, or Schrade etc. would show up. Jackpot! My brother and I also had friends who’s dads brought back Japanese swords from WW II which I had to see every time I visited. I cannot remember a time form age 5 or 6 that I didn’t have a knife with me. Fast forward to 1987 or ’88 when I happened upon a magazine called Peterson’s Outdoor Journal which had a special issue on knives. I quickly scarfed it up and to my surprise discovered that people make “custom knives” and there were these blades made of Damascus steel. Holy mackerel Andy, I was blown away! Soon after that I found Blade and Knives Illustrated magazines and quickly subscribed. A couple of years passed and in 1990 I bought the book How to Make Knives by Richard Barney and Bob Loveless, came home and told Kathy “I’m going to make a knife”. She just gave me a funny look and said “ok”. So with files, a hack saw, sand paper and a drill press I made something that resembled a knife. I made about a dozen more in this fashion and found out there was a guy named Keith Kilby in Georgia who was a journeyman smith with the ABS at the time, gave classes at his shop on how to forge a knife. So it was off to Georgia for a weekend. When I returned Kathy said I looked like Moses when he came down from the mountain. The first thing I said was “I’ve got to get a grinder.” Two years of stock removal knives followed while I looked for all the equipment needed to set up a forge. It’s been a wonderful journey ever since.
I am a founding member of the North Carolina Custom Knifemakers Guild . I have held the offices of President (3 terms) and Vice President (2 terms). I currently hold a Journeyman smith rating in the American Bladesmith Society. I regularly teach classes at Montgomery Community College as well as many seminars across the state. Additionally I offer private weekend classes at my shop. I am honored to have studied under such knife making greats as Bill Moran, George Herron, Jim Batson, Don Fogg, and Darrel Ralph.
Some of the publications I have appeared in are Blade Magazine, Knives Illustrated, Fighting Knives. And Wildlife in North Carolina. Awards received are, Best Damascus: Southeastern Custom Knife Show, Best Fixed Blade: Flint River Knife Show, Best of Show: Tarheel Cutlery Club Show, and Best Bowie: (2 years) and Best Bird and Trout: Professional Knifemakers Association Show. I have also appeared as a contestant on the History Channel’s Forged in Fired where I placed second.
Knife and Tomahawk Classes
The classes I teach are one on one instruction. If you have never made a knife I always suggest the stock removal class first, since you must know how to grind a blade. There we will learn how to transfer a pattern to a piece of steel, grind, heat treat, install handle, bolster or guard, and make a sheath. This is a 2 day class. Price $600.00
The forged blade class will go more into detail with different heat treating techniques, grinding, and finishing. Full and hidden tang construction will be covered. This is a 2 day class. Price $600.00
In the tomahawk class we will cover both methods of ‘hawk construction. This is a 1 ½ day class Price $600.00
Basic Damascus class you will learn to forge weld a billet of steel and do a basic ladder, twist, or pool and eye pattern. Other advanced patterns will be discussed. This is a 1 day class Price $400.00 All material is included in these classes